Blogtober 2023 Writing Challenge
Blogging before anyone had thought of the term “blog”
Throughout the years I have from time to time made it a discipline to share my thoughts with the world online in written form. I first created a website while in college in the 1990’s to document my travels as a study abroad student (long before anyone had ever thought of the word “blog”).
My college website was a handy way to stay in touch with friends and family in the era before social media. Over the years I fell out of the habit as my writing gradually migrated to Facebook and the occasional Twitter post. Although social media is an easy way to stay in touch with friends and family, from time to time I found myself missing a more public audience.
Eventually I created another website to support my ministry as a local church pastor. My pastoral blog served two purposes, it provided me with another way to connect with the congregation, as well as giving me a chance to reach out beyond our doors. Modern communication technology allows messages that before would have only been a whisper in one small church to impact others all around the world.
Blogtober and Website Reonovations
Now that I have transitioned out of parish ministry and began training as a pastoral counselor I need to repurpose this website. Friend and author Mark Sanders’ annual word of the day Blogtober writing challenge is a good excuse to get that renovation underway. It is my hope to use this blog much like I used my 1990’s study abroad website. In addition to sharing my thoughts and experiences with friends and family, I hope to share a bit of what I’m learning and to explore what this next stage of my life will look like.
Most importantly, writing is an important emotional outlet for me. You are welcome to join mentor sporadic conversations on mental health, spirituality, motorcycles, flying, and probably a few cat pictures along the way.
Thanks for coming along for the ride!