Blogtober writing challenge: exquisite
Doing the Spirit’s work in unglamorous ways
There is no getting around the fact that serving on the nominating committee is an unglamorous job. The process of putting together a slate of nominees to lead our congregation in the year ahead is grueling and sometimes a bit frustrating. No one wants to put their friends on the spot, but everyone wants the best people leading our congregation.
Last night a team of six elders, deacons, and members at large gathered in the conference room to pray and discuss who to ask. Several phone calls were made. Text messages were sent. A strong list of candidates was put together and we can all be grateful for their efforts.
What was most impressive to me was just how much laughter and camaraderie there was around the table. Nominations often turn into plugging warm bodies into slots needing filled, especially in congregations like ours with rapidly changing demographics. None of that happened last night. It was delightful seeing the exquisite level of openness the team had with each other.
No one simply went through the motions. Each candidate was carefully discussed. Certain suggestions were overruled (including my own). Still others were placed in different roles than originally proposed. It was truly a case of iron sharpening iron.
The nominating committee has done their part. Now it is your turn. Please join us Sunday for the annual congregational meeting. Worship will be followed by a potluck dinner where we will discuss the budget, elect officers, and conduct the business of church.