Faith and spirituality

Giving thanks for the gift of music

Julie Rybolt, Kellie Reese, and Jansen Williams lead us in worship on All Saints Sunday.

Music tops the list

November is a season of thanksgiving. It is a time to stop and remember just how much we have to be grateful for. The Disciples of First Christian Church did exactly that at our annual meeting last week. Members of the congregation were asked to list the three ministries that were most personally meaningful.

An answer that appeared at the top of nearly everyone’s list was our music ministry. Even though the traditional chancel choir has gone into hiatus due to low attendance, our church remains blessed with many talented singers and musicians. We have a wide variety of special music, ranging from bluegrass to pipe organ. Jansen Williams does a wonderful job leading the congregation in singing and Julie Rybolt, Brandy Mouser, and Kim Williams take turns making sure that we have beautiful piano accompaniment every Sunday morning.

Sometimes the Spirit moves quickly

One of the things that was discussed at the congregational meeting was how we might better harness some of the talent that God has given us. Sometimes the Holy Spirit works especially quickly. Later that same week we were approached by our friends at the United Methodist Church about the possibility of creating a combined Advent choir in order to sing a Christmas cantata at both of our churches. As if that possibility were not exciting enough, we might even be joined by another couple of congregations to make this a much more ecumenical event.

The forms change, but the gift remains

It is this energy, excitement, and depth of musical talent for which I give thanks today. I am grateful to God that we have been given such a deep bench of people who are able to use their gifts for the proclamation of the Gospel. Additionally, I am encouraged by the spirit of willingness to experiment that I see among the musicians and singers of our church. Our music ministry does not look like what it once did, but we have not given up in our efforts to lead God’s people in the praise of the creator of the world.

On All Saints Sunday we celebrate the entire body of Christ, those who have gone before us, and those who worship with us now. God has given each of us unique and special talents. Today we got to see that amazing variety at work. We had piano music provided by Julie Rybolt and an exceptional organ solo from Kellie Reese. Jansen Williams led us in singing both modern praise choruses and traditional All Saints Day hymns.

It is a blessing to see all of these gifts at work. I am grateful for what God has done in letting me be a small part of the amazing faith community that is First Christian Church.

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