Giving thanks for the ministry of Danny Fraser
Pausing to remember what, and whom, God has given us
November is a time of Thanksgiving. First Christian Church has a lot to be thankful for. This month I’m going to try and highlight some of these blessings.
On Sunday we held our annual congregational meeting. The intention of the meeting was begin to discuss where God is calling us in the year ahead, to figure out our ministry priorities, and the to approve a budget that reflects those priorities.
Part of the conversation focused on what gifts and talents we see being used around the church. We began by asking what vital, but often unnoticed, jobs we sometimes take for granted.
Universally, the members of the church expressed appreciation for the amazing work done by Danny Fraser. Not only does he keep our church building clean and well maintained, he devotes hours to making sure tables and chairs are set up for all the church activities.
What gifts have you been given?
The final part of the conversation on Sunday was an invitation for everyone else to plug in to some ministry within the church, just as Danny has done. Everyone has gifts and talents to offer for the work of the kingdom. You do not have to do what Danny does. Your skills and experience are unique to you.
I’m thankful that you have been given your particular interests and talents. I can’t wait to see what Christ is able to do through you.