Missouri Simulator Tour: Liberty to Harrisonville
Previous leg: St. Joseph to Liberty

After an unfortunate ending to the flight of the P-51 Mustang, this week’s Missouri Flight Simulator tour was back in the familiar Cessna 172. The journey started at Roosterville Airport in Liberty, on the eastern side of Kansas City. Heading south I made a touch and go at Lee’s Summit (KLXT) before landing at Smith Memorial Airport (KLRY) just south of Harrisonville.

The recent arrival of winter weather was reflected in the scenery of FSX. The bare trees and farm fields full of snow made the Missouri River stick out even more than normal. The cold weather also seemed to make the plane climb a little bit father than it did in the heat of summer. Visits to Lee’s Summit and Harrisonville added Jackson and Cass counties to the logbook.

The area covered by this flight was heavily impacted by the American Civil War and the “Bleeding Kansas” Border Wars. It was also the jumping off point for settlers crossing the country in covered wagons. The Oregon Trail and the Santa Fe Trail both started in Independence, Missouri. Settlers would come this far up the Missouri River before making their way west by land. Entire businesses and industries developed to support one of the largest migrations in human history. Today the National Frontiers Trail Museum commemorates this important history.
The journey so far (12.25 hours, 756 NM)
Next leg: Harrisonville to Lamar