Sanctuary Worship Starts July 5
July 2020 Newsletter Article
It has been three months since the Disciples of First Christian Church have been able to gather together in our sanctuary. After the arrival of the COVID19 in Missouri we were forced to move our worship services online in response to the governor’s stay at home order. In June we began a phased return to the building with face to face worship outside followed by gathering in the Disciple Center where social distancing requirements were easier to meet. Being able to see people we had not seen for several weeks or months was an incredible joy. It was made even more special by the opportunity to baptize Zoe two weeks ago.
On Sunday, July 5, we will begin the next stage of the recovery journey. The Stoddard County commissioners have not chosen to renew the 25% seating capacity rule that was implemented during May. While forms of social distancing will continue it is now once again feasible to meet in the sanctuary. On Sunday we will hold a modified service upstairs. Worship will continue to look a little different during this time of transition. These alterations are based on CDC guidance and help us mitigate some of the risk that comes from being together during this time.
Half of our pews will be temporarily closed off. Communion will continue to be served by gloved and masked Deacons. You will be given two cups. One will contain the wafer and the other the juice. Sanitzer, gloves, and masks will be available as the congregation enters the sanctuary. Hymns will be different as well. All music will be soloists or small groups set apart from the rest of the congregation. Most studies indicate that the deep breathing and voice projection that comes from singing together in close proximity make spreading the virus far more likely.
Although we will be back in familiar surroundings, worship will feel different as a result of these safety protocols. Your normal pew may be one of those taken out of circulation. Passing of the peace may be your favorite part of the service. Listening to someone else sing is not the same as being able to lift your own voice in praise. You may be frustrated by the current status of the church. You may think the leaders of the church are moving too fast. You may think things are far too slow. You may recognize that some safety measures are necessary, but still quibble with some particular decisions that were made.
All I can ask for is patience with the process and generosity toward your fellow Christians. It is normal to be frustrated and in times of stress and confusion. These conflicted feelings are reflected throughout Dexter as a whole. Our entire society is learning as we go. None of us have ever lived through a pandemic before. The elders and I have been in regular communication throughout the pandemic. We have worked together to decide the specific safety protocols and the timing of the return to the sanctuary. None of our decisions have been unanimous, but they have been made with openness, compassion, and honesty.
It is my prayer that this same attitude of humility and generosity will guide us as we continue the complicated process of returning to our building. If you are comfortable doing so, you are invited to join us for face to face worship in our sanctuary this Sunday. If you would rather worship online, live streaming will continue. We know sound has been an ongoing problem due to the makeshift equipment we have been using. This week Dexter Music Center is beginning the process of installing a professional camera to provide a better quality experience. Thank you all for your patience, prayers, and support throughout this difficult time.