Two weeks of quarantine
Reflecting on some unexpected time at home
Monday, January 18, was the end of two weeks of quarantine. Lily and I were able to get out and experience the wider world for the first time since we arrived home from visiting my dad in the COVID unit of his care center. Fortunately, he is doing better and we have had no symptoms whatsoever.
Quarantine proved to be an interesting experience. We greatly enjoyed the time we had together, but the truth of the matter is that we both got more than a little stir crazy. The logistics were not too difficult thanks to deliveries from friends, pizzerias, and touchless grocery pickups. We were incredibly lucky. I cannot imagine what this experience must be like for those without the kind of support we take for granted.
The difficult part was that we were both trying to keep up with our jobs and had to find new ways of working without all of the resources we normally depend on. What made this round of quarantine more challenging than the other experiences we have had is the fact that it happened so quickly we had no time to prepare. Many of the books that we brought home the last time were simply off limits. There was a lot of improvising or reaching out to friends who had the things we needed available.
Even by the standards of the last several months, there was a lot more time spent on the phone and internet for social interaction. Huge thanks to everyone who helped us stay in touch, put up with our odd requests and calls at weird hours.
Most importantly, I am incredibly grateful for the fact that my dad continues to improve. He is growing stronger and sitting up on his own for the first time since the illness began. Please continue to keep him, his caregivers, and everyone affected by this epidemic in your prayers.