What is the forgiveness of sins?
June 30, 2019 Sermon Preview
Are you smarter than a third grader?
Prove it.
Answer this: what is the forgiveness of sins?
Many people live overwhelmed by bitterness and frustration caused by the wrongs that they have done or that have been done to them. This week’s sermon will examine the concept of forgiveness. It is a chance to start over. It is a chance to release the bitterness that we hold toward others, just as God has offered us cleansing and new life through the gift of Jesus Christ.
Then Peter came and said to him, “Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.”
–Matthew 18:21-22 (NRSV)
Sweet Truth #10
When God forgives us, it is like being made new and clean again. God’s love embraces us and sometimes (not always) we feel Jesus’ grace pouring goodness into our hearts anew. But even if we don’t feel it, we still know that God forgives us when we repent and turn back to him.
By the way, Jesus’ death on the cross is very important. it means that if we believe in him, we are forgiven of all our sin. Jesus went to the painful, cruel, cross to let us know how very much he loves us, and how much he wants us to live in God’s amazing grace.
When we remember that Jesus, God’s special Son, came to earth to live, suffer, die, and rise again–all because of his deep and wondrous love for you and me, we know that God forgives us, always, and especially each time we turn to him.
Also, did you know.. ? Jesus wants us to forgive other people who may have hurt us, too!
From 16 Sweet Truths by Rev. David Nash
Pastor, First Christian Church (DOC), Sikeston, Missouri
Used with permission.