Why start a pastoral blog?
At my ordination exam I was asked, “how would you describe your sense of call if you had to do so while standing on one foot?” (I.e. very briefly before falling over.) My answer was, “I hope to help others experience same grace of God that I have received.” That answer continues to guide me today. It is my prayer that this blog might be another avenue for that to occur.
In addition, First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is in the middle of a year of discernment. Essentially this means that we are seeking to listen together for where God is calling us to go, and who we are being called to become in the years ahead. As part of that process, highlights of the conversations and my reflections on the materials we are studying, will be shared here.
Anyone in Dexter, Missouri, who does not have a church home is invited to join us for worship at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). For more information please visit our church website: www.fccdexter.org or Facebook page.